Regulation14 – Pre Submission Consultation 20th May to 19th July 2021

Regulation14 – Pre Submission Consultation 20th May to 19th July 2021

Mar 3, 2021 | Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan may be downloaded here:

Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Neighbourhood Plan

The plan may also be downloaded in compressed form below.

Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Neighbourhood Plan

Reg 14 consultation is now closed


Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group members, supported by other local residents have continued working on the detailed content of the Neighbourhood Plan during the pandemic lockdowns and have now completed a Plan document for consultation. We would like thanks all the volunteers from the community who have help get us to this stage, particularly the residents of West Alvington and Churchstow who have devoted their limited resources and spare  time to help produce the best plan possible reflecting everyone’s vision of the future.

Steering Group members are:

Steve Arblaster, Dr.Karen Bevon-Mogg, Debbie Board, Richard Boyt, Brenda Burnside, Sam Dennis, Norman Dilley, Rosemary Dunstan, Martina Edmonds, John Elliott, Elizabeth Green, Robin Griffin, Katharine Harrod, Roger Hind, Martin Johnson, Lee Johnson, Tom Sylger-Jones, John Kinch, Sue Kinch, Paul Noone, Louisa Pepperell, Helen Rhymes, Phil Robinson, Geoffrey Rossetti, Peter Sandover, Lis Smith, Richard Smith, Grenville Taylor, John Walster, Paul Williams, Anne Balkwill, Roger English, Bryn Hayden, Chris Klee, Dr James Mottram, Chris Povey, Graham Price

The plan’s policies  cover safeguarding our natural environment, the challenging issue of affordable housing, supporting local businesses, our rural market town economy, improving our built environment, more sustainable transport and promoting the health and wellbeing of all age groups in the community.

Most of this consultation will be carried out  online however, for those who don’t like computers, printed copies of the Plan and response forms will be available from Kingsbridge Council offices in Quay House.  We will arrange some live discussions using an open air location like a stall in the Farmer’s Market.

Much of the detailed evidence to support the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan is already available to view on this website in the Plan Appendices and Evidence library  where you can see a good deal of detail about local green spaces, wildlife corridors, locally important views and heritage buildings that the plan will be identifying and respecting.


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