Kingsbridge Town Council is situated in Quay House which is a three storey, 18th Century Grade II listed building. The address is Ilbert Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1DZ and the building is in the lower part of the town of Kingsbridge next to the library and Age Concern.
The internal accommodation comprises of, on the ground floor: the reception/admin office, the office of the Town Clerk, a small office that can be used/hired for meetings (Room 3), kitchen, and male and female toilets. On the first floor there is a large meeting room called The Council Chamber, a storage room and two offices, one of which has a tenant and the other (Room 7) is available to be used/rented by the public. On the second floor there are a further three offices that are rented by tenants, a kitchen, and toilet
Kingsbridge Town Council can be contacted by phone on 01548 853296, email on or in person. The opening hours for the office are 9.30am to 1pm Monday to Friday.
Kingsbridge is situated approximately 13 miles from the nearest train station in Totnes and Plymouth train station is approximately 22 miles away. The bus station in Kingsbridge is situated approximately 50 metres away from Quay house and taxis operate from the same area as the bus station.
Arrival and car parking:
Access to the main entrance of Quay House is via a pedestrian route off Ilbert Road or a pedestrian route off the Quay “Pay & Display” car park, through the Town Square and turn left at the Age Concern building by the Bus Station. There is a level, hard-surfaced car park directly in front of Quay House for visitors to Kingsbridge Town Council but there is not a disabled parking bay. The car park has 11 spaces only and is usually busy.
Main entrance:
A sign above the porch identifies Quay House with a further sign above the front door and a sign above the information board to the right of the entrance both stating Kingsbridge Town Council.
The entrance door into Quay House comprises of a single leaf timber door with adequate clear width for a wheelchair and the hard surface floor outside has been raised to enable access over the threshold. The door does not have an automatic opening system. The front door opens inwards. Assistance with entry to the building can be given by staff during office opening hours by either telephoning in advance or knocking on the front door. Access assistance to the first and second floors via the staircase is not available. There is a small meeting room that is available for hire on the ground floor if the visitor is unable to access the stairs. Prior contact to arrange this is required.
Kingsbridge Town Council reception is situated along a corridor and to the left of the ground floor area with signage on the wall and an arrow pointing to the room. The door has a sign stating that it is the reception office. The floors are carpeted and there is clear signage on fire evacuation. There are upright chairs in the reception corridor for visitors to use. A male toilet is situated on the left side of the reception area and a female on the right but there is not a disabled toilet and the female toilet has a single step up to it. The nearest public disabled toilet is situated approximately 100 metres away from Quay House in the Town Square although there is a disabled toilet in both the Age Concern building and the Library which are next door to Quay House.
An accommodation staircase provides access between the floors of Quay House and has handrails on both sides. The stairs have a different colour nosing, but some stairs are uneven due to the age of the building. There is not an access lift within the building, again due to the age of the building and the fact that it is Grade ll Listed.
Kingsbridge Town Council Reception Office:
The office is accessed by an open doorway and a 90cm high reception desk is on the right after entering with an open top. Staff are situated on the other side of the reception desk and can be clearly seen and heard on entering the room. Wheelchair access is possible but exit of the room may be necessary by backing out rather than turning if an electric wheelchair is used. Clip boards are available for form filling if required. Light is mostly natural daylight through a single large window. Evenly distributed lights are on when required.
Town Clerk’s Office:
The Town Clerk’s office is situated on the right-hand side of the ground floor area and is accessed by turning right and right again at the end of the entrance corridor. A sign on the door states that it is the Town Clerk’s office. The room has space for a wheel chair to turn around once entered and is carpeted. There is a table and upright chairs for meetings along with a desk that the Town Clerk sits behind. Light is mostly natural daylight through a single large window. Evenly distributed lights are on when required.
Room 3:
This room is situated on the right at the end of the reception corridor next door to the Clerk’s Office. The room has space for a wheelchair to turn around in once it has been accessed. The room is carpeted. There are several upright chairs and a desk in the room. Light is mostly natural daylight through a large window. Evenly distributed lights are on when required.
Council Chamber:
Entrance to the Council Chamber is via the staircase and the room is on the left-hand side of the first floor. A sign on the door states “Council Chamber”. There is an induction loop/hearing enhancement equipment system installed in the room. The floors are carpeted. There are two, heavy large wooden tables in the Council Chamber and these are fitted with wheels for easy movement and there are approximately 50 wooden chairs with backs. There is a plinth to the left end of the room which is raised by a single step and there is a top table with three chairs on it. Light is mostly natural daylight through three large windows. Evenly distributed lights are on when required. There is not a toilet on this floor.
Room 7:
Entrance to Room 7 on the first floor is via the staircase and along to the end of the landing, through a fire door and on the right-hand side. There is a fire door entrance to the room with two steps down immediately on entrance. There is a further door situated at the end of Room 7 which is also a fire door and a further emergency exit via a staircase on the left after that door. Light is mostly natural daylight through a single large window with evenly distributed lights that can be turned on when required.