“This council malarkey is a minefield – who do I turn to??”
“You’re not wrong!! – but let me have a go……”
Devon County Council (customer@devon.gov.uk or 0345 155 1015)
- Education
- Social services
- Roads and transport
- Street lighting
- Public rights of way
- Flood risk management
- Recycling centres
- Libraries
- On-street car parking enforcement
South Hams District Council (customer.services@southhams.gov.uk or 01803.861234)
- Refuse collection & household recycling
- Council tax collection
- Housing & housing benefits
- Planning
- Licensing
- Street sweeping
- Litter bins
- Leisure centres
- Parks & amenity spaces
- Environmental health
- Electoral registration
- Car parks
Kingsbridge Town Council (reception@kingsbridge.gov.uk or 01548.853296)
- Cemetery & churchyard
- Allotments
- War Memorial
- Local grants & award schemes
- Grass verge cutting & weeding
- Some parks, play area, street furniture, bus shelter business etc. (so I understand your confusion as there’s plenty of overlap)
- …..and chiefly, being a champion for Kingsbridge residents