Kingsbridge, West Alvington and Churchstow Neighbourhood Plan update 17/05/2022
Since the issue of our draft Neighbourhood Plan and the public consultation process was that completed (Regulation 14), a huge amount of work has been going on behind the scenes to incorporate the feed back where it was appropriate.
The revised Neighbourhood Plan was formally submitted to South Hams District Council under Regulation 15. This version of the Plan was required to undergo a second consultation process (under Regulation 16), which was carried out by South Hams District Council which has also now been completed. The Neighbourhood Plan document has now been submitted to an Independent Examiner (Regulation 17). The Examiner will go through the Plan in the greatest of detail to ensure all parts of the document are correct, fair and comply with all regulations and legislation.
Further updates regarding the progress of the Plan will be added to the website as the process heads towards our ultimate goal, the Community Referendum. |