Kingsbridge Town Council – Press Release – 14 March 2022

 Kingsbridge Begins to Tackle the Climate and Nature Emergency

A survey by Kingsbridge Town Council has found that households in Kingsbridge are taking useful steps to reduce their climate and nature impacts though there’s much more to do of course.

A report on the survey to the Town Council’s meeting in March shows:

  • There was significant use of low energy lighting, solar power and green energy suppliers;
  • over two thirds had changed what they were eating to reduce their Carbon impact; and
  • nearly 40% of households were involved in tree planting and Carbon off-setting.

There were still major household Carbon impacts though from car use (very few households had electric cars), flying and, of course, through almost everything we buy from elsewhere.The report went on to identify a number of Town Council actions for the coming years including making sure new development does what it can, making progress on electric vehicle facilities, working to get solar panels on Kingsbridge’s largest roof areas and hosting more energy advice sessions and a local food/low Carbon market.

Look out, too, for 127 new trees being planted in and around the town, a joint project between the Town Council and South Hams District Council.  And, if you want to help more of these and other things happen you could get in touch with the Kingsbridge Climate Action group at or follow them on social media links Facebook (Kingsbridge Climate Action) or on Instagram (kbclimateaction).

Let’s do all we can to tackle the climate and nature emergency.


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