Agendas & Minutes


All council and committee meetings are open to the public and the press.  We actively encourage local residents to attend and every meeting commences with a Public Open Forum to receive your comments or questions.

The full council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except August) at 6.30 p.m. receives reports from Devon County & South Hams District Council ward members and the Police, considers minutes from various committee meetings and always has topical matters to discuss.  This is the key meeting where decisions are made.

There are 4 committees:  Finance, Property & Recreation, Planning and Environment & Resilience which meet at least quarterly.  The Planning Committee meets twice per month and has delegated powers for most of its business.   Also, we often have working groups which feed into the above.  Click on the ‘Meeting Diary’ to view the dates of upcoming meetings.

It should be noted that the minutes are not formally approved as a correct record until authorised by the Chairman of the council, or one of the committees, at their next meeting.  Until such time they may be subject to change.

Please click on the relevant link below to view the agendas and minutes:

Property & Recreation Committee
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